

A strong classic tobacco flavor of Cuban cigars, Atmoslab Puro Cubano. An original eliquid with a solid body.

Distributes a dense smoke, while its scent reminds us of the real Cuban cigar (with a milder intensity).

It is considered to be one of the most realistic versions of Cuban cigars for the lovers of this flavor.

The flavour is available in 10ml pharmaceutical glass bottle having inner dropper and tamper-evident cap.

Ingredients: Concentrated mixture of flavors, dissolved in propylene glycole (FEMA 2940). It is both sugar free and gluten free.

Instructions for use: Shake before use. Open the bottle and turn down the dropper. Wait 4-5 seconds to start dropping. Add a few drops at a time and shake well or add while shaking your solution. In this way you will achieve the desired result with a smaller amount.

Suggested dilution: 1-3%
Warning. Keep out of reach of children.
6,20 €
SKU: 04-000081

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